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  • ProCage™ Premium Sock Net Screen w/Net 7'x7'
SKU: B427700

ProCage™ Premium Sock Net Screen w/Net 7'x7'

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Perfect for soft-toss drills and pitching practice.


7' x 7'



Frames are HD 1-1/2" square galvanized steel with swaged joints for easy assembly. Push-button assembly Detachable legs for storage #42 Black HD Twisted-Knotted Netting Pillow-Case Style 100% Waterproof U.V. treated Each net comes with lacing cord for semi-permanent attachment to base and to secure any openings. To install the net please follow the instructions below: 1. Lay out the net flat on the ground. Locate the side of the net in which the ‘sock’ portion of the net is sewn and make sure it is not pulled through the other side of the hole. 2. Slip the net over the top frame and work the net down on each side. The ‘sock’ portion of the net will still be on one side. 3. Once the net is sitting on the frame squarely pull the sock portion of the net back through the hole. 4. Secure the bottom and sock opening with plastic ties or lace the net with supplied twine to secure to the frame.

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